๐Ÿงถ Yarn Spinner 1.0

The popular open source narrative game development framework, Yarn Spinner, which is maintained by Secret Lab and a fabulous community, has reached version 1.0. As part of our 1.0 release, we’ve debuted 5 exciting new features:

  1. Compiled Scripts โ€” Yarn Spinner now compiles to a binary format.
  2. Automatic Compiling โ€” In Unity, your Yarn scripts will automatically be compiled when they change.
  3. Line Tagging โ€” You can automatically add unique tags to lines of dialogue, and generate a .csv file to send to translators with the click of a button.
  4. Code Extension โ€” There’s a syntax highlighting extension, available from the marketplace, for Visual Studio Code.
  5. No more .yarn.txt โ€” The file extension is now .yarn! It was time.

We want Yarn Spinner to be the best tool that it can be. As part of that, weโ€™ve launched a Patreon page, and weโ€™d love for you to help support its development!

We’ve got big plans, so please check out the website, follow us on Twitter, support the Patreon if you can, and join our Narrative Game Development Slack. And we’d really appreciate it if you shared the news!

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